April 20, 2010


I think that sometimes brides get really excited and get wrapped up in the decor of the wedding ((although so fun and exciting)) they are forgetting what the most important part really is, the ceremony. The ceremony is where you make that commitment to your best friend to love them through it all "sickness and in health." So try to think about how to make your ceremony special.

The ceremony is a great time to honor those that you love. Your mother or fathers for example. You could write a letter and have it read at the ceremony. You could have both of your parents walk you down the aisle and give you away together. Many couples give single roses to the mothers as a sign of honor.

In my own wedding, we had the parents put together about a 2-3 minute audio session. Then, put it together with pictures of us with them, and us together as a couple. It was a very personal way for them to be a part of the cereomny.

However you choose to have your ceremony, just remember how important it is. What an exciting part of your life! That is the moment you are joined together with your partner "till death do us part."

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